Summer school

Summer school

This is the summer session of Professione Danza: Are 9 intense days in which the students of the school, students from all over Italy and also students from different foreign countries meet exceptional teachers. 

The Summer School will take place in Berceto, a charming and welcoming village in the Parma Apennines from 5 to 13 July 2024.


Teachers from all over the world

In July, many teachers and artists of an extremely high standard from the best training centres in the world bring their precious contribution to the artistic and technical growth of the students. This is a unique opportunity for students to test themselves in front of great art masters. 

Are days dedicated to the study of ballet, pas de deux, repertoire, character, jazz and contemporary dance; thus allowing students to refine and conclude the work undertaken during the year and also enabling them to compare themselves to students from different dance backgrounds. 

A new location


Are you a parent and are you looking for a place to stay in Berceto during the summer school period?


Summer school enrollment

Scarica la brochure della scuola estiva
Summer School
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Professione Danza Parma SSD ARL
IBAN: IT 98 C 02008 12718 000105694827
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